
JSON Resume was built to inspire a new creative movement around resumes. This page will showcase some of those ideas…


  • customized-registry-functions - This is a slightly tweaked version of the JSON Registry. That project is using their own Firebase project and a specific JSON schema.
  • registry-functions - This repository is responsible for our free JSON Resume community hosting.
  • JSON Resume as a Service - Serverless service that uses the schema to generate dynamic resumes from a github gist that you can download or recieve back as a http response.





  • resumed - Lightweight JSON Resume builder, no-frills alternative to resume-cli.
  • resume-cli - Official CLI tool for JSON Resume
  • resume-pycli - Python CLI tool to build a beautiful resume from a JSON Resume file.


  • ng-jsonresume - ng-jsonresume lets you include a resume into a webpage by using an Angular directive and providing data in the standardized jsonresume format.
  • hugo-mod-json-resume - A Hugo module containing templates to integrate multilingual JSON Resume data into your Hugo website.
  • hugo-theme-gruvbox - A retro-looking Hugo theme inspired by gruvbox to build secure, fast, and SEO-ready websites.
  • gatsby-portfolio - The whole portfolio is a React-based single page app built with Gatsby v3.
  • jsonresume-manager - A Laravel framework to manage your JSON Resume's
  • react-ultimate-resume - react-ultimate-resume is an open-source customizable software developer resume to highlight your skills and experiences.
  • resumis - Resumis is Esperanto for 'summarized'. It's also an API and headless CMS for your personal web presence, a CV generator, and JSON Resume provider.
  • me - A next-gen JAMSTACK template for developers that leverage the use of JSON Resume Schema in creating a web based vitae and portfolio.
  • netifly-jsonresume - An online résumé you can fork and host for free on GitHub quickly and without fuss.


  • SkillSet - Intuitive job-candidate skill visualization, taking advantage of D3.js and JSONResume.
  • CMD Resume - CMD Resume is a web based command line for your resume using data from JSON Resume format.
  • ancv - Renders your JSON Resume for online & pretty terminal display


  • gulp-resume - gulp-resume is a gulp plugin to generate a resume using
  • resume-generator - This project contains my personal resume or CV. It uses jsonresume hackmyresume format to save and display the resume in PDF and HTML format.


  • jsonresume (haskell) - This library encodes JSON Resume standard in Haskell datatypes, and provides a parser to read a CV in the JSON Resume format.

